DNA Nucleus Automation




Technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, introducing an inevitable impact on the people and processes critical to its successful adoption. Set against the uncertain macroeconomic and social environments the world finds itself in, this impact is greatly compounded.

What if individuals and organisations could focus their finite resources on real business outcomes, generating innovation and growth without the distraction of traditional infrastructure adoption challenges?

The DNA Nucleus automation and orchestration platform aims to address these challenges by leveraging the power of the Meraki Dashboard API. It enables rapid device provisioning and the faster adoption of the Meraki platform, allowing effort to be focused where it is needed most.

Utilising the DNA Nucleus platform will address and solve typical deployment problems by:

  • Increasing efficiency per device with up to 75% reduction in engineering time and costs due to a zero-touch configuration approach
  • Onboarding new sites faster and more easily with a single non-technical drag and drop action
  • Reducing the chance of drift and nonconformity through complete configuration consistency and standardisation throughout a project
  • Avoiding input errors and reducing troubleshooting times and risks with data validation checks
  • Greater security with a 3rd Party mobile view for commissioning Meraki devices and overall project progress. No Meraki Dashboard access needs to be supplied.

The DNA Nucleus platform was shortlisted as a finalist from over 200 entries in the global Cisco 2020 Partner Innovation Challenge.

Customer testimonials:

  • “The app is working well saving us a lot of time building the networks, and once on site, the Meraki builds are very effective!”
  • “Without the DNA Nucleus app would you have been able to deliver at the current rapid pace?” Reply: "It would never have happened…", “…it saves 80-90% of the work" and "...saved a lot of on the ground manual effort."

Features and Benefits

Automation Success Story - Large Enterprise / Retailer

Automation, service orchestration and rapid deployment were key factors to the success of a recent £7M store network refresh project with the large UK retailer Co-op. The DNA Nucleus app was tasked with the configuration of over 2,600 stores and over 6,000 Meraki devices. All were completely zero touch configured and installed by much lower cost, non-network orientated Desktop Technicians. The result was time and money savings which led to the project being delivered ahead of time and budget!

Simplified Wi-Fi 6 adoption - Local Government / Schools

Driven by an ambition to rapidly adopt Wi-Fi 6 across all 70 primary and secondary schools in the region, in 2021 Wrexham Council used the DNA Nucleus app for their adoption of 1,300+ Cisco Enterprise Catalyst 9K Switches and Cisco Meraki MR and MS networking devices. Using the app, the Council have had the ability to concurrently zero touch configure all of their investment for Schools across the Meraki Dashboard and Cisco DNA Center, with a single point and click approach.