Highlight Service Observability Platform for SD-WAN

Highlight Service Observability Platform for SD-WAN



Enhanced Visibility, Reporting and Alerting for Meraki SD-WAN

Enhanced Visibility, Reporting and Alerting for Meraki SD-WAN

Highlight’s Meraki SD-WAN integration enables end-to-end service assurance and lets Service Providers and their customers see health, stability and load across both their Meraki overlay networks and the underlay, LAN connectivity on which the SD-WAN relies, such as 4G/5G cellular, broadband and ethernet.

What does the Highlight platform do?
The Highlight Platform is a cloud-based dashboard application that enables users to visualise, manage and report on Meraki SD-WAN overlay networks whilst also providing complete visibility of the underlay connectivity and LAN in a feature-rich and easy-to-use single-pane-of-glass portal.

Why Highlight with Meraki SD-WAN?
The Highlight platform increases the efficiency of Meraki SD-WAN management with a host of features including enhanced real-time and historical reporting and a highly customisable alerting suite. Create an API key in your Meraki SD-WAN instance, put it in Highlight and in less than 5 minutes the platform will discover and start collecting data on your SD-WAN network.

Why Service Observability?
The real value of a network service lies in how it empowers an organisation to achieve its goals. Service Observability goes beyond the technical monitoring of individual components by focusing on the network service as-a-whole, empowering Service Providers and Enterprise organisations with a shared point of truth and providing a trusted basis for communication.

Features and Benefits

Quickly and automatically visualise and optimise the whole SD-WAN network

The Highlight platform imperceptibly and continuously collects data from nominated connections throughout a network estate. Create an API key in your Meraki SD-WAN instance, put it in Highlight and in less than 5 minutes the platform will discover and start collecting data on your SD-WAN network.

That data is then translated and presented in a clear and understandable way, including visualisation of the underlying connectivity upon which the SD-WAN relies. This enables IT teams and service managers to instantly know exactly what is working smoothly and what needs attention within their network estate.

Advanced unified reporting

The Highlight platform has a dedicated on-demand reporting suite that enables users to create unified and detailed reports on any combination of watched connection types. These reports can be stored as templates and re-run at the click of a button or scheduled at regular intervals. Data can also be extracted into external data analysis platforms, such as Power BI, via the platform's automated reporting API.

Avoid alert storms with customisable alerting

Highlight’s alerting system is designed specifically to give network managers the power to define exactly what they want to see, whilst avoiding annoying and unnecessary alert storms that clog up inboxes and increase response times.

Reaction sensitivity, problem categorisation, watch and folder exceptions, business hour settings and per-alert contact designation – all these settings and more ensure alert relevancy on any watched connection or group of connections.