u-find assist you find people, places and things u-find addresses many verticals like retail, offices, healthcare, industry and everything related with indoor location, mapping with wayfinding and analytics. As the first target we are addressing Office/Work new dynamics (Hybrid work - Home / Office) and delivering value to people (through web/mobile app) and companies to handle this market transition which was accelerated by the current pandemic situation. On top of location, u-find adds the option to book resources, like desks, rooms, or other resources like car park slots or catering for a specific meeting. Problems like resource bookings, resource management, team dynamics, people collaboration and office vs remote benchmarks, and everything about company culture is within u-find Office scope. The second application we have available addresses shop/retail needs with specific reporting capabilities that provide valuable information about people, time of day, zone usage, or time spent. This information is made available in real-time and in historical view. Our geo-referencing map capabilities allow retail customers to add their own information to the map, updated daily and with specific points of interest. For reporting and analytics, the shop owners can define zones that can trigger alarms based on occupancy or trigger marketing campaigns.