Phunware LBS

Phunware LBS

Phunware’s Location Based Services offers a comprehensive set of tools that enable brands to better engage with their users based on location. We play a unique role in the ecosystem of location hardware technology providers, software providers, and point solutions like map editors and push notification providers. Phunware seamlessly integrates all these technologies with the ultimate goal of providing elevated user experience. The Multiscreen-as-a-Service (MaaS) platform ingests and fuses location data from on-site hardware and renders it as user-friendly maps and routes. Administrators are able to easily manage the map and other app content in the cloud-based portal.
Key Features:
- Indoor Routing and Navigation: Optional real-time blue dot navigation using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons, Wi-Fi, GPS or Li-Fi
- Off-route Notifications: Receive real-time notifications when you get off the track
- Location Sharing: Users can share, view and route to each other’s location
- Customizable Points of Interest (POIs): Create, configure and display unique POIs
- Simple Real-Time Map Management: Easy to edit, manage and update
- Additional Real-Time Location Services: Asset tracking, proximity alerts, traffic patterns and more
- Native Map Experience: Maps that follow the latest technology and design patterns - including pinch zoom, pannin, and rotation
Download the Location-Based Services Feature Sheet
Phunware works with industry-leading partners who help to bring our products to market and focus on specific industry verticals. For example, we have Healthcare partners, Retail partners, and Hospitality partners who work directly with customers to design, deploy and maintain a location-based services solution.