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Aurora - Advanced Retail Analytics
Aurora offers AI-powered retail analytics, transforming in-store data into actionable insights for improved customer experiences and business growth.
Unlock the future of retail with Aurora's AI-driven analytics. Dive into deep insights, optimize in-store experiences, and elevate your brand's success. Basking Automation is a workplace analytics platform, helping corporate real estate managers and landlords to understand how their spaces are being used. Taoglas CROWD Insights
Deep insights into crowd and visitor behavior using powerful analytics, machine learning and advanced graphics.
Based around Wi-Fi, but can be supplemented by other sensor data
Information derived on footfall, movement, flow, travel time and stationary time Tapway
We utilise the transformative powers of IoT and AI to develop solutions that detect movement and engage customers with Meraki APs. Aislelabs Flow
Location analytics and footfall heatmaps with predictive intelligence to understand and forecast end-to-end visitor journey. Arara Wifi Analytics
We make your business profitable with smart marketing Purple
Purple is an intelligent platform for physical spaces in response to the growing need for businesses to replicate their online analytics offline. V-App | Presence & Analytics
Leverage your existing Wi-Fi network by having access to a deep level of actionable insights Student Attendance by Degree Analytics
Degree Analytics is an institutional analytics provider. Their product EnStore automates Class Attendance & Co-Curricular Engagement to improve student success and increase student retention. Coupled with Cisco Spaces and/or Meraki, enhanced Facility Utilization and Optimization analytics are possible. Bring relevance to other verticles outside of IT by analyzing & predicting Student Success. Phunware LBS
Phunware's Location Based Services enable powerful facility-wide navigation, both indoors and outdoors. GoZone Analytics4WiFi
Capture and analyze location and presence analytics including traffic counts, passerbys, heat mapping, and foot fall analytics of new and returning visitor counts with detailed dwell times. Bloom Intelligence
A multi-channel guest analytics and automated marketing system that brings the power of e-commerce tools to brick-and-mortar locations.