Splash Access Retail Analytics
Splash Access Retail Analytics
Splash AccessOverview
Make defined business decisions and increased understanding of foot fall to locations, you can find out where visitors locate and spend most of their time in-store, and how they move within specific locations.
SplashCMX can use both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth data from the Meraki feed to create a detailed overview of all your locations.
Access a wealth of information with Wi-Fi analytics, view real time customer data and insight including age, gender, emotions, location, footfall, dwell time, return visits and more.
Understand your visitors…
View and compare historical and live data to understand and engage with visitors.
The Splash Access Analytics portal enables you to develop and improve business models and end customer experience through identifying trends and patterns.
Demographic data, dwell times, footfall and more, aids in business decisions to boost less trafficked areas through product placement, displays or additional sales staff.