Indoor5.0 - Customer/Visitor Analytics

Indoor5.0 - Customer/Visitor Analytics



Real time Customer Analytics with Indoor5.0

Real time Customer Analytics with Indoor5.0

Indoor5.0 Customer/Visitor Analytics Solution provides real time data by using MQTT data coming from Meraki Access Points. Thanks to the indoor5.0 customer analytics module, you can analyze the customers with anonymous data in your business in real time.Thanks to this module, you can perform real-time analysis of customers and identify the sections in your business that are busy.

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Features and Benefits

Number of Customers (Hourly)

Real-time customer analytics can be provided by performing location analytics via RSSI values that come anonymously over the Meraki network. You can increase the performance of the building by finding the location of the customers/visitors in your business. Every business wants to find the location of customers within the business for different purposes such as; marketing, sales, optimization and etc. Indoor 5.0 customer analytics that can be integrated with cisco Meraki can detect customers/visitors locations with 1m location accuracy easily

Customer Density Map

You can track the demand time period of the customers that visit your businesses. Select the desired time period with the time bar and monitor the customer density on the Dashboard.

Indoor5.0 Location Analytics

Indoor5.0 can track wifi, Bluetooth signals over Cisco Meraki MQTT Data. Sensors data or mobile phones data coming from wifi/ble signals are captured and reported on the Dashboard with 1m position accuracy.

Indoor5.0 Structure

1m position accuracy is calculated with AI-based algorithms. You can see the location accuracy of Indoor5.0 Structure on the table. ML, AI, CNN structures are used to achieve 1m location accuracy.

Case Studies

You can use Indoor5.0 Customer Analytics Software solutions in different industries such as; Supermarket, Resort Hotels, Retail stores and etc.

Hotel Use-Cases

When customers use section of the hotels, Indoor5.0 can track customers over wifi signals with 1m location accuracy. If one section is full, Indoor5.0 can create an email alarm for manager of departments in Hotels. Based on customer’s journey behavior, it is possible to generate analytical reports and propose customer specific offers.
  • FAQs

    How to implement Indoor5.0 customer analytics solution to Cisco Meraki